What is the future of wellbeing and mental health in schools and what can you do to make the biggest impact on the children in your care? Join me, Shahana Knight, the Founder and Director of TPC Therapy to talk about all things related to wellbeing and mental health in schools. Each week will be full of innovative ideas, inspirational stories, practical guidance and even some freebies, so that we can actually re-define what school should be for the children of today. In these episodes, I will take you on a journey where we will recreate the concept of school, classrooms, and even the role of being a teacher itself. I will be sharing personal stories and examples along the way, offering new ideas and giving you the tools to implement them. I will challenge perceptions, think outside the box, and leave you feeling inspired and excited to make a change! I will also be focusing on you! What do you need to do to take care of your own mental health and wellbeing? How can you show up to work every day with clarity, motivation and a sense of purpose? We will dive into all of that too! You have SO much power to make some real changes, let me show you how! I am so excited you found me here, let’s dive right in!
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Episode 15 - 4 ways children manage stress that you might not know
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
On today’s podcast, we are going to look at 4 ways children communicate stress that you might not know.
As a collective, children’s stress levels are likely to be higher now than they have been in a long time. This episode explores different factors that can cause higher stress levels in children and then we will unpick how this might manifest itself day to day. When you see a child in the classroom fidgeting or messing with their shoelaces it is easy to assume this child is being silly or even that they are choosing to behave that way. However, if we look a bit closer, there is often more to it than that! Let’s look at 4 specific ways that children in your class might be communicating stress and touch on what you can do to help.
Press play now!
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Episode 14 - What is leadership and how can you become an inspirational leader?
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
"I am not a leader" you might say. But you are!!
It is so easy to forget that we are all leaders in our own unique way. Whether you are an Executive Head, Headteacher or SENCO, whether you are the CEO of a business or employee..a mother or a father.. You are leading. What you say, what you believe and how you communicate influences the people around you. It has meaning.. Imagine you are stood in the sea, what you do creates small ripples around you that extend out and impact others. Those ripples can become waves.
What waves are you creating?
This year, choose to lead with more intention. What can you do to make a difference? How can you use your unique strengths & interests to inspire those around you? A good leader uses their influence to guide others, create positive change in thoughts, beliefs and practices.. You can do that. In whatever role you are in. Your leading either way. So use your words, stories, passions and unique self to step into a year of inspirational leadership and let's get those waves going!
Every one of us has the power to create change..So as Gandhi said - "Be the change you wish to see in the world"
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Episode 13 - New Year Eve Intention Setting Challenge
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Happy New Year's EVE!!!
Today’s episode is really special because we are going to set our new year's intentions together!
This year has been rough but it is important that we look back and take stock. Let’s think about what we have learnt and how we have grown and then lets set some intentions for 2021.
Did you sign up to take part in this challenge in advance? If so, check your emails – you will have received a workbook from us. You can download this, print it off and join in! If you missed the signup link, then you can download the workbook.
What you need:
- The workbook (OR a pen and paper)
- A cup of tea, coffee or hot chocolate (with cream and sprinkles) – optional but nice!
- Somewhere quiet so you can think and concentrate
I can’t wait to get into this episode with you today - press play now!
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Christmas Message
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Merry Christmas!
This year has been a crazy one, full of ups and downs but as we walk into the Christmas holidays. Let us remember that Christmas is a time of peace and joy. You deserve to laugh, play silly games, eat too much food and focus on yourself for a little while. Forget the news, forget what tier you are in, don't give it the power to ruin this much-needed festive time. You deserve to down tools and rest.
We are wishing you lots of happiness in 2021 and we'll see you in the New Year!
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Episode 12 – 10 tips to focus on your wellbeing this Christmas break
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Things have been really tricky this last year and you have worked pretty much all year without a proper break. It's been emotionally draining and Christmas is an opportunity to stop and focus on your own wellbeing. I know everyone talks about ‘wellbeing’ and having time to rest and it's so easy to prioritise that last on a long list of ‘to do’s’ but today we are going to look at why it is so important to focus on your wellbeing this Christmas! I will talk you through 10 easy but impactful ways to help you prioritise you and your own happiness and get yourself emotionally prepared for stepping back into the classroom in January.
Free resources:
Written meditation: support.tpcteach.co.uk/free-meditation-resources
Guided meditation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAaALGLf5vs&t=153s
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Episode 11 - Supporting children on the run-up to Christmas
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Have you ever noticed that some children really struggle with their behaviour and concentration on the run-up to Christmas? Do you find them struggling to follow simple instructions, interact with peers and concentrate? Are they struggling to manage emotions and having more outbursts?
This podcast episode looks at why. It's easy to assume it is because children are tired because it’s the end of term - but there may be other reasons too, especially for your more vulnerable children. Holidays can often be a source of fear, isolation and trauma.
In this episode, we explore why vulnerable children may be struggling on the run-up to Christmas and what you can do to help increase their feelings of safety and security before they break up for the holiday. We then look at what you can do to help them settle back into school when they return.
Ready to take on our New Years Eve challenge, click the link below to get your free workbook and join us on the 31st December.
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
What is childhood trauma and how does it impact the children at school?
In today’s episode, we are going to unpick what trauma is and how it presents itself in the children you teach. With everything going on at school it's sometimes easy to forget that a child’s reality might be very different from the other children’s in your class. It's often so hard to conceptualise what life must be like for children who are experiencing trauma. Often we can reel of what they have experienced but we can't understand it at our core. I have the unique experience of being a child who was living through trauma whilst attending primary school AND then being the professional therapist who got to see children living with trauma come into my playroom every day and literally see their world unfold as they would play out themes and scenarios and feelings every day. I wanted to share that insight with you this week.
This episode is not one to be missed! Are you ready to see beyond the child you see in the classroom? Press play now!
To find out more about play therapy visit our website here
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Episode 9 - How to help a child who is kicking off
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
I often hear teachers commenting that a child in their school has “Kicked off” and I want to dive in today’s episode and unpick how we can help these children. Often when we deal with a difficult behaviour incident we focus all of our attention on the behaviour and we forget that the behaviour has a reason. It's always a sign that a child is struggling with something and instead of trying to stop the behaviour we need to begin to focus on helping guide the child.
Children need to be taught how to manage their feelings and struggles by a caring adult who recognises that they are struggling and need help, they do not need to be punished for having a difficult feeling and learn that their need for support is met with rejection.
In this episode, we will explore some key steps to supporting children through a ‘kick off’ therapeutically, keeping connection and teaching at the core of the approach.
I hope you love today's episode, please share it with others if you do!
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Episode 8 - Let’s talk mental health in schools
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
What does mental health mean for you? I think we all have slightly different takes on it. Some think it means there is a problem in your brain, some link it to brain chemicals and medication. For some, the idea of mental health is out of our control and they may believe mental health issues just happen to us. For me, I take a different stance. I think we have a lot of control and power over our own mental health, it is about our mindset, our thoughts, belief system and perception of things. That is very much in our control. The problem is, we are not taught about it from an early age. What is mental health, why is it important, what are signs that we are struggling to manage it and then how do we learn how to look after ourselves. These are the life lessons we need to begin to teach children in school.
In this episode, we pick apart why it is so important for us to focus on mental health and wellbeing in school. What factors might be influencing our children’s mental health and then what you can do to begin to make a difference and teach them the life skills they need to manage theirs!
Sign up for the free resources:
Get on the Therapeutic Teacher Association waiting list and read more:
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Episode 7 - What we really need to teach children about technology and social media
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
As adults, we often talk about the impact of technology on children and young people, after all, it has a huge impact on their development and is part of their experience of childhood.
In podcast episode 7 we are going to explore
1. How technology has the potential to unlock an age where children can now take control of their own careers, be creative and innovative whilst creating income that is focused around who they are and what they love- a lesson they are not taught in school.
2. How teaching children about technology is so important- and I don’t mean teaching them about staying safe online or limited screen time but more about how they can utilise technology and focusing on what they consume. Mindset is everything, what you allow into your consciousness impacts your wellbeing and your beliefs. That is a lesson worth teaching!
3. What you can do to begin to teach these two points to the children in your care and begin to take action 😊
If you work in a primary school. high school, foster care or have children of your own then this one is for you!
Shahana x
If you want to know more about how technology and social media can impact children and young people you can:
- Listen to a podcast I recorded with Optimus Education
- Teach my pre-recorded online social media and technology lesson to your class now